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23 October 2024 - 24 October 2024
Warsaw, Poland
Sustainable Economy in Horizon Europe International INSE 2024
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Open until 20 October 2024

The Polish Construction Cluster has held the status of a National Key Cluster since 2015 and is currently one of the largest clusters in Poland, bringing together entrepreneurs from across the country. The main specialization of the Polish Construction Cluster is smart and energy-efficient construction. The cluster comprises manufacturing, service, and trading companies, as well as research institutions and business support organizations. The cluster also operates in international markets by implementing projects and participating in international partnerships focused on internationalization. The Polish Construction Cluster has been awarded the Silver Cluster Management Excellence Label, which relates to the degree of European certification of cluster management quality, issued by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA).

The mission of the Polish Construction Cluster is to systematically support institutions and entrepreneurs operating in the construction services sector by creating lasting frameworks for cooperation and building an innovative network of connections based on knowledge and technology transfer between cluster members, business support organizations, research units, and local governments, in order to establish a strong competitive position in the construction industry.

The benefits of membership and cooperation with the Polish Construction Cluster include enhancing the credibility of entities operating within the cluster, integrating with the construction industry business environment, the opportunity to establish collaborations with other companies and form partnerships that enable the creation of competitive products and services, joint representation of interests in matters related to business activities before government and local authorities, effective promotion of services and products through marketing campaigns and promotional activities for cluster members, conducting joint research and development projects and commercializing their results, as well as access to expert, advisory, and training services to strengthen the competency potential of human resources.

The SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking is an institutionalised European partnership between private and public sector partners set up to accelerate through research and innovation the delivery of the Digital European Sky. To do so, it is harnessing and accelerating the take-up of the most cutting-edge technological solutions to manage conventional aircraft, drones, air taxis and vehicles flying at higher altitudes. The partnership currently counts with more than 50 member organisations that cover the entire aviation value chain - from airports, airspace users of all categories, air navigation service providers, drone operators and service providers, the manufacturing industry and scientific community.

The objective of SESAR is to modernise European ATM by defining, developing and delivering new or improved technologies and procedures (SESAR Solutions). Its lifecycle is defined by three distinct phases: Definition, Development and Deployment.


The European ATM Master Plan is the European planning tool for defining ATM modernisation priorities and ensuring that SESAR Solutions become a reality. Both pragmatic and ambitious in its design, the Plan provides a high-level view of what is needed in order to deliver the vision of high- performing aviation system for Europe by 2035 and beyond.


SESAR has created an innovation pipeline through which promising ideas are explored and then moved out of the ‘lab’ into real operations. The pipeline consists of exploratory research and industrial research projects, validations and large-scale demonstrations. The end-products are operational and technical solutions, known as SESAR Solutions, which are delivered ready for industrialisation.


SESAR Solutions are being implemented either to answer local needs or in a synchronised and coordinated many in order to deliver a maximum of Europe-wide benefits.

Processes4Planet is a European co-programmed public-private Partnership established between A.SPIRE – as the private entity – and the European Commission in the context of Cluster 4 (Digital, Industry and Space) of the Horizon Europe funding programme.

The P4Planet Partnership's aim is to transform the European process industries to achieve circularity and overall climate neutrality at the EU level by 2050 while enhancing their global competitiveness.

The Processes4Planet Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) 2050 document details the Partnership’s unique collaborative approach to delivering the cross-sectorial innovation that is essential for the transformation of European process industries.

A.SPIRE is the European Association which is committed to managing and implementing the Processes4Planet co-programmed Partnership. It represents innovative process industries with more than 170 industrial and research process stakeholders from more than 20 countries spread throughout Europe. A.SPIRE brings together cement, ceramics, chemicals, engineering, minerals and ores, non-ferrous metals, pulp and paper, refining, steel and water sectors.

BUILT4PEOPLE is a co-programmed partnership in Horizon Europe’s Cluster 5 (Climate, Energy and Mobility) of the Horizon Europe Program.

It brings together the European Commission (EC) and two leading associations (ECTP and WorldGBC Europe) with a membership base of actors in the built environment.

The partners co-programme EU research and innovation funding for the built environment, ensuring it is invested in projects which will accelerate innovations towards a sustainable, people-centric transformation of Europe’s built environment sector.

The Built4People partners bring together the whole value chain to accelerate people-centric innovation for a sustainable built environment. Within the context of this partnership, a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the next few years has been developed that determines the topics in which the EU-funds will be invested.

Warsaw, Poland
Organised by
Poland 89
Tunisia 14
Romania 6
Latvia 6
Türkiye 5
Armenia 4
France 3
Germany 3
Austria 2
Slovakia 2
Lithuania 1
Serbia 1
Italy 1
Greece 1
United Kingdom 1
Egypt 1
India 1
Georgia 1
Spain 1
Belgium 1
Total 144