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23 October 2024 - 24 October 2024
Warsaw, Poland
Sustainable Economy in Horizon Europe International INSE 2024
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Open until 20 October 2024

Horizon Europe is the Framework Program of the European Union supporting innovative research and innovative solutions, which aims to combat climate change and achieve the assumptions of sustainable development. An EU initiative is helping to boost competitiveness and economic growth.

The budget of the Horizon Europe program is over EUR 95.5 billion, thus complementing national and regional research and innovation funding.

HE funds have been divided between the individual pillars of activities:

Pillar I Excellent science base - strengthening and expanding the excellence of the EU science base

Pillar II Global challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness - developing key technologies and solutions that underpin EU policy and sustainable development goals. It supports research and innovation in areas such as health, digital, climate, energy, mobility, civil security, food and natural resources.

Types of projects in Pillar II:
• Research projects (Research & Innovation Action) - up to 100% funding
• Innovative projects (Innovation Action) - up to 70% funding for industrial entities, up to 100% for "non-profit" entities
• Support projects (Coordination & Support Action) - up to 100% funding

Pillar III Innovative Europe – support for the implementation of innovations

The event focuses on topics related to Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space and Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility.

The investments proposed under Cluster 4 focus primarily on:

  • industry transformation and development of key enabling technologies (raw material technologies, resource recovery, resource efficiency)
  • zero-carbon industrial processes
  • leadership in processing technologies (raw material recovery, recycling, processing) that will contribute to the development of a low-carbon, closed-loop, clean industry
  • enabling and industrial technologies
  • materials management and advanced materials
  • development of digitalization and industrial transformation
  • development of digital and space technologies

Cluster 5 focuses primarily on combating climate change by introducing changes in the energy and transport sectors so that they are more environmentally friendly, more efficient and safer.

Cluster 5 thematic areas:

  • adaptation measures to climate change and RES
  • modern energy systems and networks, storage
  • energy (high-performance accumulators and batteries)
  • energetic efficiency,
  • energy supply
  • clean, safe and accessible transportation
  • smart mobility
  • buildings and industrial facilities in the energy transformation

More information about the entire Horizon Europe program can be found at: Horizon Europe the EU’s funding programme for research and innovation (europa.eu)

Warsaw, Poland
Organised by
Poland 89
Tunisia 14
Romania 6
Latvia 6
Türkiye 5
Armenia 4
France 3
Germany 3
Austria 2
Slovakia 2
Lithuania 1
Serbia 1
Italy 1
Greece 1
United Kingdom 1
Egypt 1
India 1
Georgia 1
Spain 1
Belgium 1
Total 144